A Forum Organized by The Tautegory Project

Video Recording Available Here
On November 18th at 3:00 PM EST, The Tautegory Project will be hosting a forum on Joseph Rouse’s forthcoming work on Zoom. Joseph Rouse is the Hedding Professor of Moral Science in the Department of Philosophy and the Science in Society Program at Wesleyan University, with primary research interests in the philosophy of scientific practice, the history of 20th C. philosophy, and philosophical naturalism. His most recent books are Articulating the World: Conceptual Understanding and the Scientific Image and the forthcoming Social Practices as Biological Niche Construction, both from the University of Chicago Press.
Rouse will be joined by Mark Lance, Gary Tomlinson, & Mark Risjord who will serve as official respondents. After their discussion, the floor will be opened to questions and comments from the audience. A video recording of this event is available here.